Posts in Product features
New feature: Upload a photo along with your recipe review

It’s great to see more and more recipe reviews appearing on ckbk each week! Reviews help to identify the standout dishes in ckbk’s large (and sometimes almost overwhelming) collection of cookbooks. Reviews are also a great way for users to share their practical tips, based on their experience cooking a recipe—and quite often the cookbook author may chime in with advice too. To make reviews even more useful, we’ve now added the ability to include a photo so you can show how the recipe worked out. Read on to find out how to use this feature, and how you could win a ckbk apron and free ckbk Premium Membership for a year.

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New feature: Select your preferred units

We recently rolled out automated unit conversions so that all recipes on ckbk are now available with both US Cup and metric measurements. By default, ckbk shows measurements as they appeared in the author’s original version, but if you would like to always see ingredient measurements converted to your preferred units, just visit the ckbk user settings page where you can now specify which units you would like to see.

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New feature: US <> metric unit conversions for all ckbk recipes

A little while ago we ran a survey of ckbk users, and one of questions we asked was ‘what new feature would you most like to see added to ckbk’. The answer came through loud and clear. Conversion between metric and US measurements was easily the most popular feature request. Well – you ask, we deliver. Today we are very happy to announce the release of ckbk’s automated unit conversion feature.

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New ‘à la carte’ offering brings iconic authors to ckbk, including Ottolenghi, Nigella, and Jamie

We're thrilled to announce the launch of a major new feature on ckbk, bringing landmark cookbooks from culinary superstars to the platform. Featured authors include Yotam Ottolenghi, Jamie Oliver, Nigella Lawson and Thomas Keller. Each of the bestselling titles in ckbk’s à la carte selection can now be added to your ckbk membership for a one-off payment of the e-book price.

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