Posts tagged Reviews
Newsletter: 🍁 The great Canadian cook-off + announcing the winner of our food photography competition 📸

“Recipes are stories. They are tales that travel through time—gifts shared with us by witnesses of bygone eras, preserving memories of times spent with family and friends.” Bruno Feldeisen
Recipes are indeed stories, and what better way to explore the world, than through the stories so generously shared by its chefs. We are thrilled to have a quartet of Canadian books newly added to ckbk, each with a generous offering of Canadian goodies to share.

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New feature: Upload a photo along with your recipe review

It’s great to see more and more recipe reviews appearing on ckbk each week! Reviews help to identify the standout dishes in ckbk’s large (and sometimes almost overwhelming) collection of cookbooks. Reviews are also a great way for users to share their practical tips, based on their experience cooking a recipe—and quite often the cookbook author may chime in with advice too. To make reviews even more useful, we’ve now added the ability to include a photo so you can show how the recipe worked out. Read on to find out how to use this feature, and how you could win a ckbk apron and free ckbk Premium Membership for a year.

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