Posts tagged Cookies
Newsletter: πŸ₯¨ German Heritage Baking is our December cookbook of the month + you share your foodie gift ideas 🎁

Born near Frankfurt in Germany, Heidrun Metzler’s childhood was gloriously flavored by the delicious baking of her mother, aunt and grandmother. Traditional German baking, recipes handed down through generations, and with a careful balance of sweetness, of nuts and dried fruits and buttery goodness, were a constant and a joy. After she moved to the US in 1978, and began her journey to becoming a food writer and educator, recreating those bakes, and helping others to understand and achieve fine results with her recipes, became central to her work

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Newsletter: A spotlight on baking guru Nick Malgieri + lots of quiches for The Big Coronation Lunch

There are few kitchen tasks more satisfying than baking. Whether bringing together a crumbly pastry, or getting stuck in kneading dough, the alchemy of flour and water, possibly yeast, possibly an egg or butter, into bread, pies, cake, is real kitchen magic. At entry level a batch of cookies is so easy the results far outweigh the effort. At the other end of the spectrum fine patisserie and bread-making are true culinary arts.

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Newsletter: Holiday cookies, what's in season + lots of ckbk news!

Everyone loves a cookie! Fun, festive, and good to eat. It’s National Cookie Day on December 4 in the US and UK. But wherever you are you need no excuse to whip up a batch of cookies. A great activity with kids over the holidays, cookies make thoughtful, inexpensive seasonal gifts. We have lots of books on ckbk brimming with recipes, techniques, and charm.

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