Posts tagged Cavolo Nero
Newsletter: 🥫 Store cupboard heroes: frozen peas and canned tomatoes + a feast of pies 🥧

From March 3 to 9 it is British Pie Week, an annual opportunity to indulge in a British national obsession, the pie. There is a long history of pies in Great Britain. They have been around since the Middle Ages, with the first recorded recipes appearing in the 1300s. Originally a way to preserve meats for longer by encasing them in a paste crust, once hot-water pastry was developed the pie became a vehicle for elaborate shaping, and decoration fit for a banquet table. As ovens became more widespread, they also became part of more ordinary mealtimes. And after the arrival of the potato in Europe in the 16th century, the main meal staple ‘pie and mash’ was born.

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